What is Barack Obama's Birth Certificate Controversy?
Barack Obama's birth certificate controversy pertains to doubts raised by many people relating to the genuineness of his birth certificates.
Most of these people contend the President was not born in United States and Kenya is his true birth place. Some proponents of Barack Obama's Birth Certificate Controversy even argue that he had lost his US citizenship when his family had relocated to Indonesia-a Muslim country. Moreover, certain skeptics also allege that Barack Obama was enrolled in his first school, in Indonesia, as a Muslim.
How does it Matter even if Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate Controversy is true?
It matters! In fact, it matters a great deal. The US constitution in its 2nd Article makes it mandatory for every president of the United States to be an American by birth. This means that any person having acquired the citizenship of United States is ineligible to become the president of the country. Only people born as American citizens can hold the office of the president. Consequently, if Barack Obama's Birth Certificate Controversy is true then, he becomes ineligible to become the president of the country regardless of the number of votes he received or his personal accomplishments.
How many people believe in Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate Controversy?
Many notable people believe in the veracity of Barack Obama's Birth Certificate Controversy. Sarah Palin once stopped just short of admitting the seriousness of the charges and evidences in the issue. However, she noted, “I think the public rightfully is still making it an issue. I don't have a problem with that. I don't know if I would have to bother to make it an issue, because I think that members of the electorate still want answers.”
“I personally don't have standing to bring litigation in court, but I support conservative legal organizations and others who would bring that to court. I think that is the valid and most possibly effective grounds to do it”, said Senator David Vitter at a town hall meeting Metairie, Louisiana on July 11, 2010. Republican congresswoman Jean Schmidt once replied to a woman who commented that Obama was ineligible for the Presidency, "I agree with you.But the courts don't." Donald Trump is another name who takes the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Controversy very seriously and has had given many statements affirming his position. While once he noted, “Growing up no one knew him” about the president and at another interview he said that anyone asking for proof in light of Barack Obama Birth Certificate Controversy should not be simply dismissed as an ‘Idiot’.
Where’s the Birth Certificate-Is Barack Obama an Unlawful President?(A Review)
The issue of United States’ first black president’s eligibility is most disturbing and it may even prick the conscience of some to think in this way, but it is serious, shocking and intensely controversial. Is Barack Obama a natural-born US citizen and constitutionally eligible to hold the office of president? The question is jarring, surreal, and intensely controversial: Is Barack Obama a natural-born citizen of the United States and therefore constitutionally eligible to be president? If survey polls and the viewpoints of American nation is to be considered, he is not. Jerome Corsi, the person who penned ‘Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President
’, twice #1 NYT bestseller, contends with evidence that Obama lacks any lawful authority to enter White House and birth certificates of Barack Obama are totally fake before he goes on to say that the anecdotal life of the president is replete with fabrications, lies and contradictions. He produces compelling evidence to substantiate that Barack Obama is not a natural-born American and therefore is ineligible to become a president under the US constitution. He argues:
· Obama was born as a dual citizen of the United Kingdom and the United States, a situation totally detested by the US constitution for the office of president.
· While young, Obama was enrolled as an Indonesian Citizen having Islam as his religion.
· The press and blogosphere widely reported Obama was born at Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu - before deciding he was born across town at Kapi'olani Women's and Children's Hospital
· The Congressional Research Service, a public policy arm of Congress, has publicly conceded that no one in the government ever vetted Obama's constitutional eligibility for the office.
· In run-up to the ‘12 presidential elections, more than ten states are contemplating legislation to make it mandatory for all presidential candidates to prove that they are fully eligible for the office before their candidacy is approved.
The result of three years of exhaustive research,Where's the Birth Certificate?establishes the case not only that Barack Obama isn't legally qualified to be president, but that, aided by his media co-conspirators, he has conducted one of the most audacious cover-ups ever perpetrated at the highest level of American politics.
About the Author of Where's the Birth Certificate? of Barack Obama:
Jerome R. Corsi has a Ph.D. from Harvard in political science and serves as senior staff reporter for online news giant WND. He is the author of two No. 1 New Yor approvk Times nonfiction bestsellers, Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry with co-author John O'Neill) and The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality. An economics expert, he is also a senior managing director at Gilford Securities.
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